Calvin Vollrath & Friends - 24th CD Release 'Virtual' Concert
Calvin Vollrath CD Release Concert - (05/24/2020)
1h 57m
On May 24, 2020, Calvin Vollrath released 2 new CDs. They are called:
20/20 Fiddlin' - Calvin Vollrath & Friends - Edition 1 & 2
Because of the covid-19 pandemic, Calvin has learned the art of video editing with Final Cut pro. The idea of doing this virtual concert was thought of on April 24th, 2020 & released May 24th, 2020. Just 1 month from start to completion. Amazing...
Calvin contacted all his guests on the album, to ask if they would send videos of themselves, to play along with him in this virtual concert. They include:
Trent Bruner (Norway), The Cullivoe Band (Shetland), Kimberley Holmes & Troy MacGillivray (NS), Ray Legere (NB), Paul Dacier & Germain Leduc (QC), Jeremy Rusu (NY), Dave Pierce (AB), Daniel Lapp, Craig McGregor, Clint Pelletier (BC). Calvin also enlisted some of his fiddling friends to play some of the harmony fiddle parts, Patti Kusturok (MB), Daniel Gervais (AB) & Mark Sullivan (BC).
This is a 2 hour concert, in High Definition. Calvin also takes you on a tour of his hometown of St. Paul Alberta as we're sure you'll find this very informative and the stories to the tunes are always really good.
So this is a fiddle concert like you've never seen before, thanks to the covid-19 pandemic, but we have to look for the silver lining in everything and Calvin would never have been able to have all his guests at a live concert and now the doors are open for the world to watch.
Now sit back, have a bowl of popcorn and enjoy the next 2 hours.